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2023/24 Lottery Canterbury/Kaikoura Community Committee round two record of grants

Name Amount
Addington Community House Incorporated $50,000
Adult Conductive Education Trust $20,000
Anglican Diocese of Christchurch - Parish of East Christchurch $30,000
Aranui Community Trust Incorporated $70,000
Art For Life Trust $15,000
Ashburton Cadet Corps Association $5,000
Ashburton Menz Shed Inc $15,000
Ashburton Safer Community Council Charitable Trust Board $130,000
Asian Community Transformation Trust $30,000
Battered Women's Trust $40,000
Beneficiary Advisory Service $40,000
BHU Organics Trust $10,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury $40,000
Burwood Community Church Trust Incorporated $30,000
Canterbury African Communities $15,000
Canterbury Community Gardens Association $15,000
Canterbury Fiji Social Services Trust $40,000
Canterbury Indian Tamil Association $20,000
Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resource Centre $80,000
Canterbury Somali Association Incorporated $30,000
Canterbury Tukumovakili Charitable Trust $14,400
Canterbury Youth Workers Collective Incorporated $30,000
Chatham Islands Council $38,930
Cholmondeley Children's Centre Charitable Trust $30,000
Christchurch Collective for the Homeless Charitable Trust $30,000
Christchurch Korean Community School $20,000
Christchurch South Community Gardens Trust $35,000
Citizens Advice Bureau Christchurch Area $15,000
Citizens Advice Bureau Mid Canterbury Incorporated $5,000
Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury Inc $5,000
Community Colleges New Zealand Limited $30,000
Community Colleges New Zealand Limited $93,586
Community Energy Action Charitable Trust $40,000
Community House Mid Canterbury Charitable Trust $70,000
Conductive Education Canterbury Incorporated $35,000
Connect Hurunui Incorporated $20,000
Delta Community Support Trust $50,000
Digital Waitaha Charitable Trust $40,000
Dress For Success Christchurch Inc $30,000
Embracing Diversity Incorporated $5,000
Fale Youth $30,000
Family Help Trust $30,000
Food Resilience Network Incorporated $50,000
Geraldine Community Resource Centre Trust $56,000
Ha O Te Ora O Wharekauri Trust $25,000
Hickory Bay Surfing Institute $10,000
Home & Family Charitable Trust $80,000
Hornby Day Care Trust $22,936
IndianNZ Association of Christchurch Inc. $20,000
Kai for Kids Charitable Trust $20,000
Kaiapoi Food forest $20,000
Kaikoura Youth Council Incorporated $10,000
Kairos Trust $45,000
Kairos Trust $63,500
Ki te tihi/The Loft Charitable Trust $40,000
Leadership Lab $10,000
Learning Needs Library for Educational and Therapeutic Resources $23,400
Life Education Trust Mid and South Canterbury $10,000
Lyttelton Community House Trust $35,000
Lyttelton Information and Resource Centre Trust $8,000
Manumalo Ladies $7,000
Moana Vā, Navigators of Pacific Pride $50,000
Mt. Pleasant Memorial Community Centre and Residents Association $25,000
Neighbourhood Support Christchurch Area Incorporated $60,000
Nepal New Zealand Friendship Society of Canterbury Incorporated $10,000
New Brighton Project Inc. $40,000
Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust $70,000
Ngati Porou ki Waitaha $40,000
Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum $35,000
Olive Branch Community Trust $15,000
Otautahi Maori Wardens Association 2006 Incorporated $20,000
Oxford Community Families Trust $10,000
Papanui Baptist Church Community Services Freedom Trust $30,000
Perinatal Wellbeing Canterbury Trust $30,000
Philippines Culture and Migrant Services $5,000
Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust $63,500
Positive Directions Trust $25,000
Qiao Yi Lion Dance Team Christchurch $3,000
Redcliffs Community Shed Trust Board $12,600
Richmond Residents and Business Association $15,000
Rowley Community Centre $40,000
Shoreline Youth Trust $25,000
Social Equity and Wellbeing Network $7,500
Social Service Council of the Diocese of Christchurch $95,000
Special Friends Sports Trust $30,000
Spreydon Youth Community Trust $50,000
St John of God Hauora Trust $30,000
Stopping Violence Services (Christchurch) Incorporated $20,000
Sumner Bays Union Trust $30,000
Sumner Community Residents' Association Incorporated $30,000
Te Hapu O Ngati Wheke Incorporated $46,025
Te Mapua Child & Youth Trust $40,000
Te Runanga o Kaikoura Ltd $150,000
The Broken Movement Trust $20,000
The Canterbury Communications Trust $25,000
The Inspiring Communities Trust $13,273
The Parish of Merivale St Alban's $10,000
The Person To Person Help Trust $30,000
The Women's Helping Hand Trust NZ $10,000
Thriving Madly Trust $15,000
Tūhono Taonga, Tūhono Tāngata $25,000
Uniting Canterbury Women $9,900
Waimakariri District Council $20,000
Waimate Art Society Inc $20,000
Wainoni - Avonside Community Services Trust $20,000
Wandersearch Canterbury Charitable Trust $25,000
Whakaraupo Carving Centre Trust $50,000
Women's Centre Incorporated $50,000
Yoruba South Island New Zealand Incorporated $4,000