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What is a translational research project?

Lottery Health Research will fund salaries and expenses for translational research projects that show the result is achievable, and will translate into better health outcomes and a community benefit for New Zealanders.

The Committee will provide up to $120,000 over two years. Project leaders may only hold one Lottery translational research grant at a time and only submit one Lottery translational research grant request per funding round.
For a translational project grant request, you need to provide:

  • a detailed project plan
  • CVs for each member of the research team
  • written evidence of approval from the relevant research ethical committee for their region and discipline, if applicable. 
  • a copy of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms or Biosecurity approval, if applicable.

Grant offers lapse after 12 months if the research project has not started.

What is shared research equipment?

Lottery Health Research will contribute costs towards shared research equipment, particularly equipment needed for several research programmes. This may include new or replacement equipment and installation expenses.

For a shared research equipment grant request, you need to provide:

  • quotes from suppliers
  • indicate which is the preferred quote.

Equipment purchased with the grant must become the property of the host organisation.

Grant offers lapse after 12 months if the equipment is not purchased.

What does Lottery Health Research provide grants for?

Lottery Health Research grants may support:

  • translational research projects
  • shared research equipment
  • post-doctoral fellowships
  • PhD Scholarships.

There are two online request forms available, one for translational research projects or shared research equipment requests and one for post-doctoral fellowship or PhD scholarship requests. All requests must be supported by a budget or quotes and all relevant approvals. 

Budgets should use the standard LHR budget template.

Project plans should be no longer than three pages (excluding references).