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What are the outcomes for Lottery Health Research grants?

Please note that for the 2023/24 financial year the Lottery Health Research Committee has 46% less funding available compared with the previous year.

Unfortunately, this means the committee will not be able to fund as many requests as last year, and is unlikely to make grants to the same levels it has previously.

For more information about the funding allocations to lottery distribution committees for the 2023/24 financial year, visit Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grants Board allocations for 2023/24.

If you have any questions, please contact your local advisor or email us at

Organisations receiving grants are expected to show how their health research will contribute to:

  • better understanding of the causes, prevention and treatment of disorders affecting New Zealanders
  • new approaches in health and bio-medical science for the ultimate benefit of all New Zealanders
  • developing and keeping a highly skilled workforce of health and bio-medical researchers in New Zealand.

What does Lottery Health Research provide grants for?

Lottery Health Research grants may support:

  • translational research projects
  • shared research equipment
  • post-doctoral fellowships
  • PhD Scholarships.

There are two online request forms available, one for translational research projects or shared research equipment requests and one for post-doctoral fellowship or PhD scholarship requests. All requests must be supported by a budget or quotes and all relevant approvals.