What is the Te Ara Whakamua Community-led Development partner in Waitara been doing to help out during the COVID-19 lockdown?
Te Ara Whakamua (TAWoW) Community-led Development Partnership (CLDP) was established in response to a series of community hui about the aspirational potential and shared future of the Waitara community. As part of this partnership, the community identified skills, qualities and behaviours they wanted to see role modelled in their community. Seven community members of varying backgrounds were selected and a Leadership Group for the programme was established. The CLDP agreement was signed by the community in April 2018.
Over a period of six months a community plan was developed. Overwhelmingly throughout this process Waitara people were passionate about the community, stating “our people and our place’ are our greatest assets. Ultimately they wanted their community to fully realise the potential they could see, while retaining and enhancing what makes the town distinctive.
An operational grant allowed 1.5 FTE community development workers to be employed to activate the community and bring the plan to life.
Two community projects are currently underway; Beautify Waitara – visually uplifting the town through art, and The Waitara Bike Track- open to the community, includes a bike bank and maintenance programme with the local primary school as capable guardians. Several other projects are being explored, including a marine park development and an arts centre.
Relationships continue to grow and people are connecting. Funders have met to discuss community investments and how they can best work together. Local people are engaging in leadership training and other opportunities to grow their capacity.
The programme has stimulated a valuable learning journey with many community benefits and positive outcomes. These simply wouldn’t have happened without the CLDP.
Initially the concept of ‘community-led’ partnerships challenged ‘old’ ways of working. Now the potential and aspiration of the community continues to motivate people and to help them put aside differences.
As a response to COVID-19, the Waitara community rallied together to ensure that people, particularly those who were most vulnerable, needs were met. A collective approach by community organisations and individuals allowed hundreds of care-packs to be delivered. Donations of bread, vegetables and other food items were put together in food parcels and delivered prior to and during the Level 4 and 3 lockdown.
The local supermarket offered a free delivery service to the most vulnerable people in the community. Various organisations are monitoring and responding to the needs of Kaumatua and providing additional support were needed.
The CLDP workers have been instrumental in helping to deliver factual COVID-19 updates and updates on what’s happening locally, It is posted on social media.
To visit the Te Ara Whakamua Facebook page where these social media post are made, please follow the link below:
To visit their website, please follow the link below: